Sushmita Sen is a Bollywood actress, model and winner of the Miss Universe Title in 1994 at the age of 18. She gives her views on relationships in an Instagram live.

She has been in a relationship since 2018 with Rohman Shawl and officially declared in December that they are no more together by sharing a post of both of them and wrote, “we started as a friend and remained friends always, but the relationship was over”.
A fan questioned her about the relationship, and she said that she chose respect over love because if the person doesn’t respect you, he can’t love you at any cost. To know the reason why she says this entire article carefully.
She did this because of their daughters when they compelled her to go live on Instagram and interact with your fans. She began it with a question from a fan about what respect meant for you.
She replied, “She said she chooses respect over love any day. Elaborating on her response, she further added, “Because love is something you feel with great intensity, and you fall out with the same intensity.”
She also said that love comes and goes in life, but if there is respect, then it should have a second chance to express itself. But if you always focus on respect, it will be temporary. She also added that if there is no respect in a relationship, then love starts losing its meaning. She always takes respect as a primary thing and love as a secondary.