Tenali Raman Stories | Tenali Ramakrishna Stories
Tenali Ramakrishna is a poet, scholar, thinker and a Special Advisor in the court of Sri Krishnadevaraya. He is also known as the Vikatakavi, Pandit Ramakrishna. He was a poet from Andhra Pradesh. He was one of the Ashtadiggajas or the eight poets at the court of Krishnadevaraya, the Vijayanagara emperor.
He is famous for his stories. Here in this article, we are going to share some Tenali Raman Stories in Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu.
Tenali Raman Stories in Hindi
First Story
एक रात राजा कृष्णदेव राय ने सपने में एक बहुत ही सुंदर महल देखा, जो अधर में लटक रहा था। उसके अंदर के कमरे रंग-बिरंगे पत्थर से बने थे। उसमें रोशनी के लिए दीपक या मशालों की जरूरत नहीं थी। बस जब मन में सोचा, अपने आप प्रकाश हो जाता था और जब चाहे अंधेरा।
उस महल में सुख और ऐश्वर्य के अनोखे सामान भी मौजूद थे। धरती से महल में पहुंचने के लिए बस इच्छा करना ही आवश्यक था। आंखें बंद करो और महल के अंदर। दूसरे दिन राजा ने अपने राज्य में घोषणा करवा दी कि जो भी ऐसा महल राजा को बनाकर देगा, उसे एक लाख स्वर्ण मुद्राओं का पुरस्कार दिया जाएगा।
सारे राज्य में राजा के सपने की चर्चा होने लगी। सभी सोचते कि राजा कृष्णदेव राय को न जाने क्या हो गया है। कभी सपने भी सच होते हैं? पर राजा से यह बात कौन कहे?
राजा ने अपने राज्य के सभी कारीगरों को बुलवाया। सबको उन्होंने अपना सपना सुना दिया। कुशल व अनुभवी कारीगरों ने राजा को बहुत समझाया कि महाराज, यह तो कल्पना की बातें हैं। इस तरह का महल नहीं बनाया जा सकता, लेकिन राजा के सिर पर तो वह सपना भूत की तरह सवार था।
कुछ धूर्तों ने इस बात का लाभ उठाया। उन्होंने राजा से इस तरह का महल बना देने का वादा करके काफी धन लूटा। इधर सभी मंत्री बेहद परेशान थे। राजा को समझाना कोई आसान काम नहीं था। अगर उनके मुंह पर सीधे-सीधे जाता कि वे बेकार के सपने में उलझे हैं तो महाराज के क्रोधित हो जाने का भय था।
मंत्रियों ने आपस में सलाह की। अंत में फैसला किया गया कि इस समस्या को तेनालीराम के सिवा और कोई नहीं सुलझा सकता। तेनालीराम कुछ दिनों की छुट्टी लेकर नगर से बाहर कहीं चला गया। एक दिन एक बूढ़ा व्यक्ति राजा कृष्णदेव राय के दरबार में रोता-चिल्लाता हुआ आ पहुंचा।
राजा ने उसे सांत्वना देते हुए कहा, ‘तुम्हें क्या कष्ट है? चिंता की कोई बात नहीं। अब तुम राजा कृष्णदेव राय के दरबार में हो। तुम्हारे साथ पूरा न्याय किया जाएगा।’
‘मैं लुट गया, महाराज। आपने मेरे सारे जीवन की कमाई हड़प ली। मेरे छोटे-छोटे बच्चे हैं, महाराज। आप ही बताइए, मैं कैसे उनका पेट भरूं?’ वह व्यक्ति बोला।
‘क्या हमारे किसी कर्मचारी ने तुम पर अत्याचार किया है? हमें उसका नाम बताओ’, राजा ने क्रोध में कहा।
‘नहीं, महाराज, मैं झूठ ही किसी कर्मचारी को क्यों बदनाम करूं?’ बूढ़ा बोला।
‘तो फिर साफ क्यों नहीं कहते, यह सब क्या गोलमाल है? जल्दी बताओ, तुम चाहते क्या हो?’
‘महाराज अभयदान पाऊं तो कहूं।’ ‘हम तुम्हें अभयदान देते हैं’, राजा ने विश्वास दिलाया।
‘महाराज, कल रात मैंने सपने में देखा कि आप स्वयं अपने कई मंत्रियों और कर्मचारियों के साथ मेरे घर पधारे और मेरा संदूक उठवाकर आपने अपने खजाने में रखवा दिया। उस संदूक में मेरे सारे जीवन की कमाई थी। पांच हजार स्वर्ण मुद्राएं’, उस बूढ़े व्यक्ति ने सिर झुकाकर कहा।
‘विचित्र मूर्ख हो तुम! कहीं सपने भी सच हुआ करते हैं?’ राजा ने क्रोधित होते हुए कहा।
ठीक कहा आपने, महाराज! सपने सच नहीं हुआ करते। सपना चाहे अधर में लटके अनोखे महल का ही क्यों न हो और चाहे उसे महाराज ने ही क्यों न देखा हो, सच नहीं हो सकता।’
राजा कृष्णदेव राय हैरान होकर उस बूढ़े की ओर देख रहे थे। देखते-ही-देखते उस बूढ़े ने अपनी नकली दाढ़ी, मूंछ और पगड़ी उतार दी। राजा के सामने बूढ़े के स्थान पर तेनालीराम खड़ा था।
इससे पहले कि राजा क्रोध में कुछ कहते, तेनालीराम ने कहा- ‘महाराज, आप मुझे अभयदान दे चुके हैं।’ महाराज हंस पड़े। उसके बाद उन्होंने अपने सपने के महल के बारे में कभी बात नहीं की।
Second Story
एक बार किसी वित्तीय समस्या में फंसकर तेनालीराम ने राजा कृष्णदेव राय से कुछ रुपए उधार लिए थे। समय बीतता गया और पैसे वापस करने का समय भी निकट आ गया, परंतु तेनाली के पास पैसे वापस लौटाने का कोई प्रबंध नहीं हो पाया था, सो उसने उधार चुकाने से बचने के लिए एक योजना बनाई।
एक दिन राजा को तेनालीराम की पत्नी की ओर से एक पत्र मिला। उस पत्र में लिखा था कि तेनालीराम बहुत बीमार हैं।
तेनालीराम कई दिनों से दरबार में भी नहीं आ रहा था इसलिए राजा ने सोचा कि स्वयं जाकर तेनाली से मिला जाए। साथ ही राजा को भी संदेह हुआ कि कहीं उधार से बचने के लिय तेनालीराम की कोई योजना तो नहीं है।
राजा तेनालीराम के घर पहुंचे। वहां तेनालीराम कम्बल ओढ़कर पलंग पर लेटा हुआ था। उसकी ऐसी अवस्था देखकर राजा ने उसकी पत्नी से कारण पूछा।
वह बोली, ‘महाराज, इनके दिल पर आपके दिए हुए उधार का बोझ है। यही चिंता इन्हें अंदर ही अंदर खाए जा रही है और शायद इसी कारण ये बीमार हो गए।’
राजा ने तेनाली को सांत्वना दी और कहा, ‘तेनाली, तुम परेशान मत हो। तुम मेरा उधार चुकाने के लिए नहीं बंधे हुए हो। चिंता छोड़ो और शीघ्र स्वस्थ हो जाओ।’
‘यह क्या है, तेनाली? इसका मतलब तुम बीमार नहीं थे। मुझसे झूठ बोलने का तुम्हारा साहस कैसे हुआ?’ राजा ने क्रोध में कहा।
‘नहीं-नहीं, महाराज, मैंने आपसे झूठ नहीं बोला। मैं उधार के बोझ से बीमार था। आपने जैसे ही मुझे उधार से मुक्त किया, तभी से मेरी सारी चिंता खत्म हो गई और मेरे ऊपर से उधार का बोझ हट गया। इस बोझ के हटते ही मेरी बीमारी भी जाती रही और मैं अपने को स्वस्थ महसूस करने लगा। अब आपके आदेशानुसार मैं स्वतंत्र, स्वस्थ व प्रसन्न हूं।’
हमेशा की तरह राजा के पास कहने के लिए कुछ न था, वे तेनाली की योजना पर मुस्करा पड़े।
Tenali Raman Stories in English
Tenali Raman and the weight lifter
Tenali Raman and his wife were on their way to Hampi, the capital of Vijayanagara. On the way, they passed through a village at the foot of a hill. The villagers had gathered in front of the village temple. Raman’s wife became curious and dragged her husband to the spot. Husband and wife pushed through the crowd to appear in the front row.
A bodybuilder was exhibiting his strength. He was seen carrying a huge gunny bag on his left shoulder and twirling his mustache with his right hand.
“He is carrying a bag of 500 quintals of rice,” said the man standing next to Raman.
“This is nothing. I can carry a thousand times more weight,” said Raman in a loud voice.
Startled by this announcement, the bodybuilder dropped the bag he was carrying. Everybody looked at Raman wondering whether a new champion had arrived.
Enjoying the attention, Raman addressed the crowd. “Why I can carry that hill on my bare shoulder,” he said, pointing out the hill nearby.
The villagers gaped at him. Raman’s wife appeared tense. She had a suspicion that her husband had opened his mouth too wide.
Meanwhile, the bodybuilder had recovered his wit. He laughed out loud and said, “Is that so? Let’s see you do it.”
The villagers were now excited. They had seen only Hanumanji carrying the Sanjeevani mountain — and that too in pictures. Now here was a man who claimed he could repeat the feat.
“I said I can do it. Did I say I’ll do it now?” asked Raman. “Carrying a hill requires a lot of preparation,” Raman added.
Turning to the weightlifter, Raman asked, “How long did you take to prepare for this feat of carrying the sack of rice?”
“Three months,” confessed the weightlifter.
“How long will you take?” the Village Chief asked Raman.
“Six months,” said Raman without batting an eye.
Then Raman added. “I need to eat an enormous amount of food to build my muscles. And I need someone to massage my body, daily.”
“And we need a place to live. We are outsiders,” said Raman’s wife.
The village chief agreed to provide the couple with a house and arrange the food supply. He directed the weightlifter to give Raman body massage daily.
“And we will meet here, exactly six months from now,” said the village chief getting up from the chair.
Raman’s wife was relieved. They did not have to wonder where the food would come from. For the next six months, at least.
Raman led a royal life in the village. Villagers supplied pots of milk, honey, and curd. Cartloads of rice and ragi were delivered to their house. The bodybuilder was available to cook food, and also give body massage to Raman every day.
The bodybuilder who had become a Raman disciple by now asked Raman about the practice. “Would you like to begin with a small rock, then move on to bigger and bigger rocks?” he asked. Raman sent him away asking him to make ragi mudde (balls of steamed ragi flour).
Soon it was the D-day. The whole village assembled at the foot of the hill. Raman and his wife arrived in a decorated cart pulled by the bodybuilder. The villagers received the weightlifter, Raman with a shout of joy.
The village chief gave a sign that the show could begin.
Raman stood in a circle with people seated all around. He sat in the warrior’s pose, Veeramudra, and announced he was ready.
The villagers were puzzled. The village chief became impatient. “What are you waiting for?” he barked.
“I’m waiting for your men to place the hill on my shoulder,” said Raman calmly.
Everybody gaped at Raman. The village chief shouted in anger “You said … “
Raman cut him short, “I said I will carry that hill. Even now I’m willing to carry the hill. I’m waiting for your men to place it on my shoulder.”
“But who will lift the hill?” asked the Village Chief in bewilderment.
“That’s your problem,” Raman said.
“Only Hanumanji can lift it,” said Raman’s wife.
The village chief joined his hands in salutation to Raman. “A man of your strength and determination should carry not a lowly hill, but Mount Kailas.” The villagers started laughing.
When they got back home, Raman asked his wife to pack, “We are leaving this village,” he said.
Tenali Tales: Reward & Punishment
Tenali Raman came to Hampi, the capital of Vijayanagara empire. At that time, Vijayanagara was ruled by Krishna Deva Raya.
Raman asked his wife to wait for him in a temple. “I’ll go to the palace and meet the king. He is a generous man. He may give me some gifts,” said Raman.
When Raman reached the palace, he was stopped at the entrance. “You cannot enter the palace without permission,” said the guard.
“I’ve come from a far-off place. Please allow me to enter the palace,” said Raman. “I’m hoping that the generous king will give me gifts,” he added.
“You may get gifts from the king. But what do I get?” asked the guard giving Raman a meaningful look.
“Whatever the king gives me, I’ll share it with you,” Raman promised.
“Half of it. Whatever gifts the king will give you, you must give me half of it,” said the guard. Raman agreed and walked into the palace.
In the palace, the king was holding a durbar in a hall. Raman was stopped at the entrance to the hall by another guard. Raman promised to give the second guard half of the gifts he would receive from the king.
When Raman walked in, the king was not in a good mood. Raman was very excited to be in the presence of the king; he rushed forward. The king was annoyed because no one could approach him without being called.
“Give him fifty lashes,” ordered the king.
Raman folded his hands in salutation to the king and said, “I’m grateful to you for your generous gift. Please allow me to share the gifts with two of my friends.”
The king wanted to know who his friends were.
“The guard at the entrance to this hall and the other one at the main entrance to the palace,” said Raman.
The guards were summoned. The king was quite annoyed with his guards. “Now that I know you two are sharing the ‘gift’, I’ll increase it to one hundred lashes,” said the king.
The guards were taken away to be given fifty lashes each.
“You wait here until your friends return,” said the king to Raman.
When the guards returned after receiving their shares of the ‘gift.,’ the king turned to Raman.
“You have tempted my honest guards with bribes. I give severe punishment to bribe givers,” said the king sternly.
The king turned to the two guards. “Take him to the riverside and cut off his head with a single stroke from your swords,” the king ordered.
The guards were happy to have their revenge. They led Raman to the riverfront.
Tenali Raman Stories in Tamil
First Story
சுமார் நானூற்று எண்பது ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் ஆந்திர மாநிலத்தில் உள்ள ஒரு சிற்றூரில் ஓர் ஏழை அந்தணக் குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்தான் தெனாலிராமன். இளமையிலேயே அவன் தன் தந்தையை இழந்தான். அதனால் அவனும் அவனுடைய தாயாரும் தெனாலி என்னும் ஊரில் வசித்து வந்த அவனுடைய தாய் மாமன் ஆதரவில் வாழ்ந்து வந்தனர்.
சிறு வயதிலேயே அவனைப் பள்ளிக்கு அனுப்பியும் பள்ளிப்படிப்பில் அவனுக்கு நாட்டம் செல்லவில்லை.
சிறு வயதிலேயே விகடமாகப் பேசுவரில் வல்லமை பெற்றான். அதனால் அவன் பிற்காலத்தில் “விகடகவி” என்னும் பெயர் பெற்று பெரும் புகழுடன் விளங்கினான்.
காளி மகாதேவியின் அருட்கடாட்சம் பெற்றவன். பின் வரலாற்றுப் புகழ்பெற்ற விஜயநகர சாம்ராஜ்யத்தின் அரசன் கிருஷ்ணதேவராயரின் அரண்மனை “விகடகவி”யாக இருந்து மன்னரையும் மக்களையும் மகிழ்வித்தான். அவனுடைய நகைச்சுவைக்காக மன்னர் அவ்வப்போது ஏராளமான பரிசுகளை அளித்து ஊக்குவித்தார்.
இவர் விகடகவி, குமார பாரதி என்ற பட்டங்கள் பெற்றவர். இவருடைய வாழ்வில் நிகழ்ந்த நிகழ்ச்சிகள் பல கதைகளாக வழங்கப்படுகின்றன.
Second Stories
அன்று கிருஷ்ணதேவராயரின் அரண்மனை அமர்களப்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தது. அறிஞர் பெருமக்களும் மற்றவர்களும் மண்டபத்தில் குழுமியிருந்தனர். தெனாலிராமனும் ஓர் ஆசனத்தில் அமர்ந்தான்.
மன்னர் கிருஷ்ண்தேவராயர் வந்தவுடன் சபை கூடியது. வேற்றூரிலிருந்து வந்த தத்துவஞானியை விழாவைத் தொடங்கி வைத்து விவாத மன்றத்தை ஆரம்பிக்கச் சொன்னர்.
தத்துவ ஞானியும் ஏதேதோ சொன்னார். ஒருவருக்கும் ஒன்றும் விளங்கவில்லை. அவர் பேச்சின் இறுதியில் மாய தத்துவம் பற்றி நீண்ட நேரம் பேசினார். அதாவது நாம் கண்ணால் காண்பதும் மாயை, உண்பதும் மாயை என்று சொன்னார்.
இதைக்கேட்ட அறிஞர்கள் முதல் அரசர்வரை எவருமே வாய் திறக்கவில்லை. ராஜகுரு மௌனமாகி விட்டார்.
சுற்றும் முற்றும் பார்த்த தென்னாலிராமன் எழுந்து நின்றான்.
தத்துவஞானியைப் பார்த்து, “ஐயா தத்துவ ஞானியாரே ஏன் பிதற்றுகிறீர் நாம் உண்பதற்கும் உண்பதாக நினைப்பதற்கும் வித்தியாசமே இல்லையா?” எனக் கேட்டான்.
அதற்கு தத்துவஞானி வித்தியாசம் இல்லை என்றான்.
அதை சோதிக்க தெனாலிராமன் அரசரிடம் ஒருவிருந்துக்கு ஏற்பாடு செய்யச் சொன்னார். விருந்து ஏற்பாடு ஆயிற்று.
அனைவரும் பந்தியில் அமர்ந்து சாப்பிடத் தொடங்கினார். தத்துவஞானிக்கு உணவு பரிமாறியும் சாப்பிடக்கூடாது எனக் கட்டளை இட்டுவிட்டனர். அதனால் தத்துவஞானி தன் தவறை உணர்ந்தான். இதைப்பார்த்த அரசர் தெனாலிராமனின் திறமையைப் பாராட்டி பொன் பரிசளித்தது மட்டுமில்லாமல் அன்று முதல் அவரது அரசவை விகடகவியாக்கினார்.
Tenali Raman Stories in Telugu
500 సంవత్సరాల క్రితం విజయనగరమనే సామ్రాజ్యాన్ని శ్రీ కృష్ణదేవరాయులు పరిపాలించేవారు. ఆయిన ఒక రోజు నిద్రలొ ఒక కల కన్నారు. ఆ కలలో ఆయినకొక అందమైన భవనము కనిపించింది. ఆ భవనం ఆకశంలో తేలుతూ, లక్ష దీపాలతో చాలా అద్భుతంగా వుంది. తలుచుకుంటే చాలు, మాయమైపోయే ఆ భవనాన్ని కలలో చూసిన రాయలు ఆ కలను మరువలేకపోయారు. మొన్నాడు సభలో ఆయిన ఆ కలను వివరించి దాన్ని నిజం చేయాలన్న ఆయిన గట్టి నిర్ణయాన్ని అందరికీ తెలిపేరు. అది విన్న వారంత అలాంటి భవనమును ఎలా కట్టగలము – అసలు గాలిలో తేలే భవనాన్ని కట్టడం అసాధ్యము కదా అని నచ్చచెప్పడానికి ప్రయత్నించారు. రాయులు కోపగించుకుని – “అదంతా నాకు అనవసరం. మీరేంచేస్తారో నాకు తెలీదు కాని నా కల నిజమవ్వాలి. అలాంటి భవనాన్ని కట్టిన వారికి నేను లక్ష వరహాల బహుమానము ఇస్తాను – లేదా మీరందరు నాకు కనిపించకండి” అని ఆఙాపించారు. విన్నవారంత నిర్ఘాంతపోయారు. ఎన్ని రోజులు గడిచినా రాయులు ఆ కలను మరువలేదు.
ఒక రోజు సభకొక వృద్ధుడు వచ్చాడు. నెరిసిపోయిన గెడ్డం, జుత్తు, మీసాలతో పాపం అతి కష్టం మీద కర్ర తో నడుస్తున్నాడు. నాకు అన్యాయం జరిగింది, న్యాయం చేయండి అని రాయులవారి ని ప్రార్థించాడు. “నీకేమన్యాయం జరిగిందో నిర్భయంగా చెప్పు, నేను న్యాయం చేస్తాను” అని రాయులు హామి ఇచ్చారు.
“నా దెగ్గిర నూరు నాణ్యాలున్నాయి స్వామి, అవి ఒకరు దొంగలించుకుపోయారు. నాకు వారెవరో తెలుసు, నా నాణ్యాలు అడిగి ఇప్పించండి” అని ఆ వృద్ధుడు విన్నపించాడు.
శ్రద్ధగా విన్న రాయులు ఈ దొంగతనం యెవరు చేసారు, యెక్కడ చెసారు అని ప్రశ్నించారు.
వృద్ధుడు తడపడడం చూసి “నీకేమి భయం లేదు, చెప్పు” అని రాయులు ప్రోత్సహించారు.
“నా నూరు నాణ్యాలు దొంగలించింది మీరే స్వామి” అన్నాడు వృద్ధుడు. “నిన్న రాత్రి నా కలలో వచ్చి మీరే అవి దోచారు.”
రాయులకు చాలా కోపం వచ్చింది. “యేమిటీ వెటకారం! కలలో జరిగినది నిజమనుకుంటే ఎలా?” అని కోపంగా అడిగారు. ఈ మాట విన్న వృద్ధుడు తన గెడ్డం, మీసం తీసేసి, కర్రను పక్కకు పడేసి, పగటి వేశాన్ని విప్పేసాడు. చూస్తే అతను తెనాలి రామకృష్ణ.
“క్షమించండి స్వామి – మీ కలను నిజం చేయడం ఎంత కష్టమో నిరూపించడానికే ఇలా చేసాను” అన్నాడు తెనాలి.
రాయులకు చాలా నవ్వొచ్చింది. ఇంత చక్కగా ఆయినకు అర్ధమయ్యేలా చెప్పిన తెనాలి రామకృష్ణను ఆయిన చాలా అభినందించారు.
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